Sorbatto The Ultimate Blueberry Whole Fruit Frozen Dessert
Dairy Free, Gluten-Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Diabetic Friendly, Rich in Antioxidants
Who would've ever guessed that a really healthy dessert could taste so good! The perfect tasty alternative for lactose and gluten intolerant people.Locally produced in the fertile Yakima Valley.

Five ways blueberries improve your health
- Phytonutients support your immune system
- Antioxidants help inhibit free radicals
- Studies show blueberries inhibit angiogenesis
- A good source of soluble and insoluble fiber
- Blueberries have a low glycemic load

1 1/2 Pints of Whole Blueberries
Hydrated Chia Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Organic Cane Sugar
Lemon Concentrate
100 Cal per Serving
Only Four Ingredients
No Additives No Preservatives
1 1/2 Pints of Whole Blueberries
Whole Blackberries Minus the Seeds
1 tablespoon of Organic Cane Sugar
lemon Concentrate
100 cal per serving
Only Four Ingredients
No Additives No Preservatives
1 1/2 Pints Of Whole Blueberries
Whole Concorde Grapes
Pear Purée
Lemon Concentrate
100 Cal per Serving
Only Four Ingredients
No Additives No Preservatives
1 1/2 Pints of Whole Blueberries
Whole Raspberries Minus the Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Organic Cane Sugar
Lemon Concentrate
100 Cal per Serving
Only Four Ingredients
No Additives No Preservatives
Awesome! This stuff is absolutely amazing! I am lactose intolerant and finally I now have a delicious ice cream alternative.
Customer at Chucks Produce Salmon Creek
The blueberry Sorbatto has a nice texture! It's all fruit.
Customer is Stadium Thriftway Tacoma
WOW! What a refreshing whole fruit taste! I have never tasted anything like this.
Customer at PCC Market Green Lake Aurora

Treat Yourself to Some Sorbatto Today!
Sorabatto is available in the ice cream section at your local
PCC Markets, Metropolitan Markets, Town and Country Markets, Ken's Thriftways, and Vegan Haven.

Philip Proctor
This great product is produced on the Weijohn-Gabel family farm and Wapato Washington, The Home of Blueberry Hill Berries And Twin River Berries. I have the privilege of being the sales representative for Western Washington znd Portland Oregon. I am always looking for restaurant owners and caterers who are interested in providing healthy desserts. It addresses several groups of special needs: the lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant and diabetics. To gain information and free samples for your business contact me at:Phil@Sorbatto.com or call me at 615-394-2937. We offer our product in 1 1/2 gallon containers for restaurants and caterers.